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Álit þitt á skjölum INSPIRE vinnuhópa EU

Eftirfarandi tilkynning barst LMÍ frá skifstofu EFTA (European Free Trade Association). Skrifaðar hafa verið leiðbeinandi reglur (guidelines) fyrir þau gögn sem falla undir viðauka II og III í Inspire tilskipuninni og eru þær opnar almenningi til yfirlestrar. Sjá nánar í bréfi hér á eftir. Dear Colleagues, Please be informed that the Commission launched on 22 June 2011 a public consultation on various documents and files linked to INSPIRE. The INSPIRE Thematic Working Groups (TWGs), Data Specifications Drafting Team and INSPIRE JRC Data Specifications Team have finalised the draft Data Specifications of the Spatial Data Themes referred to in Annex II and III of the INSPIRE Directive. Their work is now available for public view and consultation by the INSPIRE Stakeholder Community as draft Guidelines. Are concerned by this consultation: – Data Specification on INSPIRE Annexes II and III - Draft Guidelines, – Proposed updates to the Generic Conceptual Model and Encoding Guidelines, and – D2.9 Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE Annex II and III data specification development. Based on all the comments received, the INSPIRE TWGs will issue a new version of the Data Specification – Draft Guidelines, while the European Commission will prepare the amendment proposal for the Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services, which will be submitted for opinion to the INSPIRE Regulatory Committee in 2012. Please click here to see the Commission’s webpage on this consultation. The consultation closes on 21 October 2011. Stakeholders wishing to comment should login or register as a Spatial Data Interest Community (SDIC) or Legally Mandated Organisation (LMO) and submit their comments using the templates provided in the password protected area. Best regards, Anne Cornu Senior Officer EFTA – European Free Trade Association Tel: +32 2 286 17 69 // Fax: +32 2 286 17 52 e-mail: ac@efta.int // www.efta.int 12-16, Rue Joseph II // B-1000 Brussels // Belgium